Monday, November 16, 2009

White itchy bumps on arm, legs, and back?

What the hell are they?

Its all over my back, arms, and legs.

They itch, and when i dont scratch them and put anti itch ointment or tiger balm.

It goes away after a couple of hours.

Its white bumps, and the skin around it is red.

Sometimes in clumps.

White itchy bumps on arm, legs, and back?
uh oh, sounds like scabies
Reply:my be you are transforming
Reply:it might be eczema. talk to a dermatologist. they'll know for sure.
Reply:winter itch. you are taking toooo many soapy baths

moisturise your body for now.. continue using what you are using now to stop the itch. but minimize hot soapy baths now, until it stops. just soap the important parts.

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