Friday, November 20, 2009

What are these bumps....HELP PLEASE?

ok so i have had these bumps right above the base of my penis...ive had them for months they dont spread...they dont hurt...they dont have puss and they arent red...they dont look at all like herpes and i have no other signs or symptoms...can anyone tell me what the hell these things are...they look like pimples...but they look just like the color of my just looks like my skin bumbs up...what are these things and can i get rid of them...they are annoying....HELP

What are these bumps....HELP PLEASE?
sounds like sebaceous prominence, they can appear as you grow to maturity or really any time, its a sebaceous gland that is sorta over sized, sebaceous glands arewhat hold the oil that is released onto your skin throughout the day, so what is in the bumps is oil and you SHOULDNT squeeze them to try and get it out it will make it worse, just leave them alone, if there upsetting you you can get then removed by a urologist or dermatologist im sure. wouldn't hurt to go to a doc find out for sure.
Reply:go to your docter, he/she can tell you whats goin on
Reply:these are normal
Reply:Sounds almost like a heat rash or razor burn. But to tell you the truth honey, when it comes to that special place... I wouldnt play games. I would get to the Dr no matter what. It would be one thing if it was on your ankle... But its not. Its on your Mack daddy. Go find out for sure honey so you dont lose your BUDDY:)
Reply:sounds like genital warts, but go to the DR...either they will tell you what it is, or tell you that it is nothing, either way you are better off than with our silly guesses...none of us really know what we are talking about, we havent been to med school....really.
Reply:Sounds to me like u have Genatal Warts. U need to go see the doctor.
Reply:genital warts,
Reply:it seems to me like you have genital warts. you need to be checked by a doctor first to be sure. genital warts does not have a cure. it can be treated.there are numerous creams that can possibly remove them or they can be removed by cryotherapy (frozen off). once they are gone they still could possibly come back.

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