Monday, November 16, 2009

My skin has tiny white dots?

yes i have tiny white bumps on my skin.

and im tan so they really show.

they look like goosebumps except theyre

not raised.

what are they?

i moisturize my skin almost every day.

but they dont go away?

can you help me?

My skin has tiny white dots?
maybe you can try a deep sea salt scrub, you can usually get it at a mall or beauty store. Do this once a week and your skin will be wonderful
Reply:if it is just in certain "high traffic" areas, like the top of you arms, i would say switch moisturizers. if it is all over i would get it checked out. a lot of universities do that kind of stuff for free if that is an issue.
Reply:keratosis thing is to loofah the area %26amp; apply heavy Eucerin cream. Mostly on the upper arms %26amp; thighs typically. You can look it up online on WebMD.

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