Monday, November 16, 2009

Has anyone experienced itchy bumps on their belly?

similar to razor bumps as the skin may be stretching

Has anyone experienced itchy bumps on their belly?
If you are using a lotion to help prevent stretch marks, it might be an allergic reaction to the lotion.

I have bumps on my neck and back, but they are heat bumps from my sweat not getting out.
Reply:not as to me because i put palmer coco butter lotion and it will help. but u can get palmer itchy lotion and it will help u too...
Reply:Yes! Mine have unfortunately turned into stretch marks....but they started out as little red bumps.
Reply:My whole body itches, but no bumps. Try some Benadryl or Caladryl cream %26amp; see if that helps.
Reply:Yes, and i was told that I could use benedryl cream for it. It helped a lot.

peacock plant

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