Monday, November 16, 2009

A bump on my skin with white head?

I get these bumps on my face from time to time, usually on the forehead or on the cheek or under the mouth/chin. If they're ripe and I squeeze it, pus usually comes out. They can get really itchy. What are these?

A bump on my skin with white head?
Most commonly they are zits, but they could be hives also if they itch. Check it out with a dermatologist, he can assess the problem better than we can
Reply:pimples or zits probably...if you think it's something different though, ask your doctor to take a look at them. i'm sure its nothing to worry about, though
Reply:pimples...they're normal. use something with salicylic acid in it(like oxy) to heal them.
Reply:They're white heads. Try not to squeeze them because they can get infected. Wash you face with facial cleanser and put acne medication on them.
Reply:problem a boil, pull the inside of a egg off place it over the injury, also real cold salt fat meat, both will draw the bump up and out.
Reply:the best way to avoid these is to wash your face with your favorite face wash and then use seabreeze antiseptic lotion after it comes in different strengths an can be found in the pharmacy . the best thing is to be consistant. good luck oh and try not to touch your face during the day.


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