Friday, November 20, 2009

Ive got bumps on my face, some people get them on their legs? How can i get rid of them and what are they?

They're not spots but they look like the bumps you get when your cold, But they're not goosebumps!


i want perfect skin!


Ive got bumps on my face, some people get them on their legs? How can i get rid of them and what are they?
They might be heat bumps. You can just wait for them to go and rub alchohol.
Reply:Possibly whiteheads maybe? Nobody has perfect skin. Just be sure you are washing twice a day with a cleanser made for your specific skin type. Tone and moisturize daily--even oily skin needs a good moisturizer with SPF in it. And be gentle--too much washing will cause your skin to kick into high oil production because you are stripping away natural moisturizers every time you wash
Reply:i get those tooo idk:(

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