Saturday, April 24, 2010

Large White Bumps on my Chin that are NOT pimples or zits?!?!?

I get these hard, very painful white raised bumps on my chin. The first time I tried popping it, thinking it was a pimple. I felt like there was a little tiny hole in the center of the large bump in which maybe pus or acne could come out. Indeed, I finally, after a STRUGGLE, popped it and just a little whiteness and pus came out.

However, the bump on my chin remained raised. It would not go away. I tried popping more of it, although nothing would come out. Eventually, I played with it too much and an entire layer of my skin came off, looking like a huge ugly gremlin, as I like to call it. I put a bandaid on my chin until it healed 1 1/2 weeks later.

Now, I have two raised bumps on my skin and I don't want huge ugly gremlins anymore so I dont try to pop them. However, I still have huge, ugly, painful white bumps on my skin that definitely are not pimples or zits. What is going on? What are these things? How do I treat it?

Large White Bumps on my Chin that are NOT pimples or zits?!?!?
my sister had this problem not too long ago. Don't pop them, eventually they'll start bleeding. Try some kind of acne wash containing sacrylic acid.

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